ZIP 압축하는 예제 프로그램.

*& Report ZZIP
REPORT zzip.

DATA: lt_file_table TYPE filetable,
      ls_file_table TYPE file_table,
      lv_rc         TYPE i,
      lv_filename   TYPE string,
      lv_path       TYPE string,
      lv_fullpath   TYPE string,
      lv_filelength TYPE i,
      lt_temptable  TYPE w3mimetabtype,
      lv_xstring    TYPE xstring,
      lo_zip        TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip.

*    window_title            =                  " Title Of File Open Dialog
*    default_extension       =                  " Default Extension
*    default_filename        =                  " Default File Name
*    file_filter             =                  " File Extension Filter String
*    with_encoding           =                  " File Encoding
*    initial_directory       =                  " Initial Directory
    multiselection          = abap_true                 " Multiple selections poss.
    file_table              = lt_file_table                 " Table Holding Selected Files
    rc                      = lv_rc                 " Return Code, Number of Files or -1 If Error Occurred
*    user_action             =                  " User Action (See Class Constants ACTION_OK, ACTION_CANCEL)
*    file_encoding           =
    file_open_dialog_failed = 1                " "Open File" dialog failed
    cntl_error              = 2                " Control error
    error_no_gui            = 3                " No GUI available
    not_supported_by_gui    = 4                " GUI does not support this
    OTHERS                  = 5
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

CHECK: lt_file_table IS NOT INITIAL.
lo_zip->support_unicode_names = abap_true.

LOOP AT lt_file_table INTO ls_file_table.
  CLEAR: lv_filename, lv_filelength, lt_temptable, lv_xstring.

  lv_filename = ls_file_table-filename.
      filename                = lv_filename            " Name of file
      filetype                = 'BIN'            " File Type (ASCII, Binary)
*      has_field_separator     = space            " Columns Separated by Tabs in Case of ASCII Upload
*      header_length           = 0                " Length of Header for Binary Data
*      read_by_line            = 'X'              " File Written Line-By-Line to the Internal Table
*      dat_mode                = space            " Numeric and date fields are in DAT format in WS_DOWNLOAD
*      codepage                =                  " Character Representation for Output
*      ignore_cerr             = abap_true        " Ignore character set conversion errors?
*      replacement             = '#'              " Replacement Character for Non-Convertible Characters
*      virus_scan_profile      =                  " Virus Scan Profile
      filelength              = lv_filelength                  " File Length
*      header                  =                  " File Header in Case of Binary Upload
      data_tab                = lt_temptable                 " Transfer table for file contents
*      isscanperformed         = space            " File already scanned
      file_open_error         = 1                " File does not exist and cannot be opened
      file_read_error         = 2                " Error when reading file
      no_batch                = 3                " Cannot execute front-end function in background
      gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4                " Incorrect front end or error on front end
      invalid_type            = 5                " Incorrect parameter FILETYPE
      no_authority            = 6                " No upload authorization
      unknown_error           = 7                " Unknown error
      bad_data_format         = 8                " Cannot Interpret Data in File
      header_not_allowed      = 9                " Invalid header
      separator_not_allowed   = 10               " Invalid separator
      header_too_long         = 11               " Header information currently restricted to 1023 bytes
      unknown_dp_error        = 12               " Error when calling data provider
      access_denied           = 13               " Access to file denied.
      dp_out_of_memory        = 14               " Not enough memory in data provider
      disk_full               = 15               " Storage medium is full.
      dp_timeout              = 16               " Data provider timeout
      not_supported_by_gui    = 17               " GUI does not support this
      error_no_gui            = 18               " GUI not available
      OTHERS                  = 19
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
      WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      input_length = lv_filelength
*     first_line   = 0
*     last_line    = 0
      buffer       = lv_xstring
      binary_tab   = lt_temptable
      failed       = 1
      OTHERS       = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
      WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      full_name     = ls_file_table-filename
      stripped_name = lv_filename
      x_error       = 1
      OTHERS        = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
      WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

      name           = lv_filename
      content        = lv_xstring
*      compress_level = 6                " Level of Compression


lv_xstring = lo_zip->save( ).

    buffer        = lv_xstring
    output_length = lv_filelength
    binary_tab    = lt_temptable.

*    window_title              =                  " Window Title
    default_extension         = 'ZIP'                 " Default Extension
    default_file_name         = ''                 " Default File Name
*    with_encoding             =
    file_filter               = 'ZIP(*.ZIP)|*.ZIP'                 " File Type Filter Table
*    initial_directory         =                  " Initial Directory
*    prompt_on_overwrite       = 'X'
    filename                  = lv_filename                 " File Name to Save
    path                      = lv_path                 " Path to File
    fullpath                  = lv_fullpath                 " Path + File Name
*    user_action               =                  " User Action (C Class Const ACTION_OK, ACTION_OVERWRITE etc)
*    file_encoding             =
    cntl_error                = 1                " Control error
    error_no_gui              = 2                " No GUI available
    not_supported_by_gui      = 3                " GUI does not support this
    invalid_default_file_name = 4                " Invalid default file name
    OTHERS                    = 5
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

    bin_filesize              = lv_filelength                     " File length for binary files
    filename                  = lv_fullpath                     " Name of file
    filetype                  = 'BIN'                " File type (ASCII, binary ...)
*    append                    = space                " Character Field of Length 1
*    write_field_separator     = space                " Separate Columns by Tabs in Case of ASCII Download
*    header                    = '00'                 " Byte Chain Written to Beginning of File in Binary Mode
*    trunc_trailing_blanks     = space                " Do not Write Blank at the End of Char Fields
*    write_lf                  = 'X'                  " Insert CR/LF at End of Line in Case of Char Download
*    col_select                = space                " Copy Only Selected Columns of the Table
*    col_select_mask           = space                " Vector Containing an 'X' for the Column To Be Copied
*    dat_mode                  = space                " Numeric and date fields are in DAT format in WS_DOWNLOAD
*    confirm_overwrite         = space                " Overwrite File Only After Confirmation
*    no_auth_check             = space                " Switch off Check for Access Rights
*    codepage                  =                      " Character Representation for Output
*    ignore_cerr               = abap_true            " Ignore character set conversion errors?
*    replacement               = '#'                  " Replacement Character for Non-Convertible Characters
*    write_bom                 = space                " If set, writes a Unicode byte order mark
*    trunc_trailing_blanks_eol = 'X'                  " Remove Trailing Blanks in Last Column
*    wk1_n_format              = space
*    wk1_n_size                = space
*    wk1_t_format              = space
*    wk1_t_size                = space
*    show_transfer_status      = 'X'                  " Enables suppression of transfer status message
*    fieldnames                =                      " Table Field Names
*    write_lf_after_last_line  = 'X'                  " Writes a CR/LF after final data record
*    virus_scan_profile        = '/SCET/GUI_DOWNLOAD' " Virus Scan Profile
*    filelength                =                      " Number of bytes transferred
    data_tab                  = lt_temptable                     " Transfer table
    file_write_error          = 1                    " Cannot write to file
    no_batch                  = 2                    " Cannot execute front-end function in background
    gui_refuse_filetransfer   = 3                    " Incorrect Front End
    invalid_type              = 4                    " Invalid value for parameter FILETYPE
    no_authority              = 5                    " No Download Authorization
    unknown_error             = 6                    " Unknown error
    header_not_allowed        = 7                    " Invalid header
    separator_not_allowed     = 8                    " Invalid separator
    filesize_not_allowed      = 9                    " Invalid file size
    header_too_long           = 10                   " Header information currently restricted to 1023 bytes
    dp_error_create           = 11                   " Cannot create DataProvider
    dp_error_send             = 12                   " Error Sending Data with DataProvider
    dp_error_write            = 13                   " Error Writing Data with DataProvider
    unknown_dp_error          = 14                   " Error when calling data provider
    access_denied             = 15                   " Access to file denied.
    dp_out_of_memory          = 16                   " Not enough memory in data provider
    disk_full                 = 17                   " Storage medium is full.
    dp_timeout                = 18                   " Data provider timeout
    file_not_found            = 19                   " Could not find file
    dataprovider_exception    = 20                   " General Exception Error in DataProvider
    control_flush_error       = 21                   " Error in Control Framework
    not_supported_by_gui      = 22                   " GUI does not support this
    error_no_gui              = 23                   " GUI not available
    OTHERS                    = 24
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

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